Hair Loss

Hair Loss

For a small number of people, hair loss in not an issue of particular concern.
For others it can have a serious impact on all fields of life- personal, social and professional-of the majority of people who experience it.

Today, the emotional effects of hair loss are more obvious than ever.
Given that we live in a culture of image and appearance has become a criterion of serious importance.
According to the latest trend called Anti-age consideration, we all look forward not only to feeling but also to looking young.

As hair is a basic element of style, changes in appearance due to hair loss naturally set all people who experience it to be concerned.

Hair loss concerns about 70% of men until the age of 50. For females, the corresponding percentage reaches approximately to 30%.

The most significant step in treating hair loss is the precise assessment of its causes; otherwise any attempt of treatment may prove ineffective.
Hair loss is usually the symptom of a problem-pathological, for instance, which must be found and treated appropriately.

Diagnosis defines the way of hair loss treatment, according to the type, extent and severity of the problem.